Free-range chickens vs intensively farmed chickens

Free-range chickens, what’s the big fuss about anyway?

Well, I suppose it might boil down to whether you eat to live or whether you live to eat. Do you care enough about how your chicken was produced? Easy Bird feels it has an obligation to point out the differences of free-range vs intensively farmed chickens. We think many people are unaware of how their food got to their plates. And that if it was solely down to a cost comparison, the cheaper chicken would be chosen every time.

We love roast chicken

But like, love roast chicken more than cricket, and the thought of enjoying a wholesome family meal once a week appeals to us. The idea of providing a nourishing meal of real ‘home-cooked’ food that gathers the family around come dinner time is what we are after.

For us, the thought of intensively farmed chicken conjures up the same thoughts we have towards traffic jams, plastic straws and people who litter. These thoughts are dark, miserable, lonely and unnecessary. Therefore Easy Bird has chosen to use free-range birds as their chicken of choice. We hope that our customers will stick with us for choosing free-range despite there being cheaper options out there.

So, do you care?

Do you worry about what you put into your body? Or are you just blissfully unaware of how intensively farmed chicken is today?

So a few points on what we don’t like about intensively farmed birds:

  • The lifespan of these chicken is roughly 39 days. Compared to roughly 56 days for free-range.
  • The minimum amount of darkness is 30 minutes. When artificial light is introduced, the bird will be fooled into staying awake which encourages it to keep standing and continuing to eat.
  • The chickens are raised in severely cramped quarters where they can hardly move.

And why we have initially chosen to use Tulanie’s free-range chickens:

  • We honestly prefer the taste of free-range meat. Meat that has time to grow naturally has a better structure to it.
  • The process is a more natural process when producing a free-range bird. The birds are brought up in an environment that allows for fresh air, sun on their backs and grass below their feet.
  • There are no water injections after slaughter to plump up the meat, therefore you are paying for protean not water.
  • There are no growth hormones and no routine antibiotics fed to the birds. You are what you eat. Do you routinely take antibiotics for just in case you get sick?

If words won’t move you, maybe a video might. Click here to watch.

Every time we as consumers make the decision to buy a chicken, it’s the consumer that decides on how that bird lived. Whatever your reason for buying what you buy, it cant be argued that a free-range chicken has had a more natural life over an intensely farmed bird bred for cheap protein.

To order your free-range chicken meals, visit our menu page.


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